Friday, June 30, 2006

Trapped within

Trapped with in the place that
if makes me feel so down to
the ground with nothing to
look up for but just to be shot down
I cry out for help but no one
is there to answer this call
can I get out I don't think I can
felling so trapped its killing me
I find one way out and
then its closed again in my face
there is one thing that is dear
to my soul and I see it in front of me
its my only taste of freedom
but this is a taste but not
what I need I want more

Born a human

Slow but at the same time fast
I am in the same same place
as the world spins around me
I am still in the same place as I
i was in the past a year ago
a time where I ways must confused
I only wish it only got easier but it
did not it got harder for a simple man
that's all I am nothing more then man
oh why do we try our best to become
more then we are your simple
why should we try we get nothing
but staying in the same place is boring to me
so we move along and try to cause some change
play all the time making me a different person
step by step every day I become
more of a human and not who I really am

Wednesday, June 28, 2006


I stand here looking up to a hole
this hole of empty hope
it keeps us going up for how long
for I have hope so long but
nothing that I hoped came to me
they tell me that you must work
work on the things you hoped for
but that is a empty hope itself
I have only so much hope left
they are what is left after
what I have done to my self
to much hope in fate
but not for long I shall take hope
and remove it from me
and replace it and you'll see
once it all in my control
nothing will destroy me
not even fate will get to me
hope is a hopeless idea to me

Monday, June 26, 2006

High in the sky I raise up

What I hated with in my self
I now grab and stand high
I will show you all what I am with this
I am not nothing but some thing
that you are not for I am sick
of the way you all treat me
you think of me of being nothing
but what you want me to be
you lose for I am every thing
the one all of you need and want
but you could not see
please try to destroy me but
you can I am the one and only
ME and that what I will be

Sunday, June 25, 2006


I am here telling you the truth
I am an the one that has been punished
and all I did was breath
god do you see this kind to me
all I have is this curse of the heart
and the mind that kill me as days go by
oh why oh why I only wish my eye could
cry the tears that it should but
I can for I am one with
a mind that thinks to much
not even giving me the time
to think for my self
just to think about all my mistakes
I don't care no more my soul is died
to all you here before my eyes
and god denied me passing in to the
other realm of hell and heaven
this is worse for this sad man's mind

Saturday, June 24, 2006

Good bye of friend of mine

A day of happiness ad of joy
a friend end what he has been
been felt dammed for but now
you finished and I feel happy for you
but I will miss you for I don't
know where I will be with out you
my dear friend the one that trust
I shall never forget you for what you done
at the same time I am happy
a tear would like to fall from my eye
for I fear that this will be the end
of great time but for you
I lift my head high and hope for you
the best of life oh dear friend
I will not forget you and
I hope you don't forget me

Friday, June 23, 2006


Its been some time since I have see that face
I did not even see you I thing I missed
I almost forgot how I like to see your face
you saw me before I saw you and when I looked
you looked a way with a smile and I smiled
oh do I miss seeing you the best way I wake up
to go and see you first thing make my day
you still make my day I only wish you knew
I a afraid of what will happen if I did because
of what happened in my past things I am
I am not happy for and I wish I could see you again
you made my day and I cant wait until I see you again
please stay near me for I will stand up to you
some day in the face of fear and tell you
we both will walk away but in the end
I think its mainly up to you for you are an angle

Saturday, June 17, 2006

the darks side wins

Been afraid of something with in side
now its coming out and I am holding it
so dark and filled with hate and pain
I want you to be in control of me
last tears of good drip from my eyes
a new me appears in front of you all
what will it do I have no idea but not good
as it crawls up my spine
a chill runs through me then its gone
pain and hate is running through me
I have no fear, no pain, the darkness runs with in
to the end of time I will will have this darkness
with in my souls it shall stay for I cant
forget what I have been through that
pushed me to to this point with no return
good bye of pure world and welcome
the dark side of me that you all don't see

Tuesday, June 06, 2006


I stand here and only here
I have no part in the next move
I have tried but now it up to you
I have be all that I can up to know but
you still hide in the shadow from me
the truth will show one day
I don’t know when but it shall
show to me one day to fix what has been done
but I will not start on a change until
you do what you need to do
but time is short and not a lot left
when the sand of the clock ends
I may do some thing I don’t prefer to do
I may make this all seem so small us
life has made us meet I don’t believe it
meant to be this way no more
so change it please for I am weak

My fault

I sit here in the dark for hour thinking
for I can not stop I am sick now
I have had paranoia but now it worse
I fear that I have a phobia
a fear for every time the idea comes to
this mind of mind of mine I stop
my heart hit its limit and fear
I feel hot sweat from my head
can not move, muscles shocked in place
oh my fear has came true and this is why
why I am in this sickness of mine
I could have stopped it but I did not
but only if I knew I would have
my mouth of mine would have stayed
in silence I would have stayed not I
fear all that I may say every word by word
I must plan to say for I don't want to fall again.