What is new what is old
god know I try to be me
then again what is me
confused at the the fact
I true don't know me
I see my self and will be
what ever fate whets
me to be, new or old
its just going to be me
that all I know and I
don't know much in life
I cant see any more
I am gone no more
no more play no fun
I am this new person
I only hope you can see
god know I try to be me
then again what is me
confused at the the fact
I true don't know me
I see my self and will be
what ever fate whets
me to be, new or old
its just going to be me
that all I know and I
don't know much in life
I cant see any more
I am gone no more
no more play no fun
I am this new person
I only hope you can see
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